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EarlyFans distributes 100% of Blast Points to users.
Your funds in the EarlyFans contracts continuously earn Blast Points and are 100% distributed to you. You can check your Blast Points earned in the Bag tab.
The ETH in your EarlyFans embedded wallet earns Blast Points like a regular wallet and follow the same rules from Blast . You can always of your EarlyFans wallet, and import to your everyday wallet to check your points on the .
EarlyFans will distribute 100% of Blast Gold received to users.
Follow EarlyFans on X to get the latest info related to Gold distributions.
For users who want to see their Blast Points and Gold in their everyday wallet on Blast website, we made it easy by allowing you to delegate the points and gold earned to a wallet address of your choice. You can do this by heading to the Bag tab, and tap Delegate. Note that the ETH in your Privy wallet sits in an EOA wallet, it earns Blast Points as a regular EOA wallet which cannot be delegated, you'll need to export private key to your everyday wallet to check on Blast website. Your ETH in the EarlyFans smart contracts will continue to earn Blast Points, by delegating a wallet, Points earned will go to your delegated wallet.
Note that the Blast Points and Gold earned before you delegated another wallet will remain with the embedded Privy wallet and cannot be transferred.