Last updated
Last updated
When you create an account, will generate an embedded wallet for you on .
To manage your wallet balance, go to the Bag tab.
EarlyFans runs on the Blast L2 network. Find here.
To add funds, tap Deposit to view your wallet address on the Blast network, send Ether (ETH) on Blast to this wallet address.
Note that EarlyFans is on Blast and will not recognize ERC20 tokens, NFTs or other assets on other chains. If you accidentally sent a different asset on a different chain, you can export your private key to manage the asset in your MetaMask, Rabby or other EVM wallets.
If this is your first time using Blast, you may need to bridge ETH to Blast before depositing to your EarlyFans wallet.
For instructions on how to bridge to Blast, refer to here.
For lower gas fees and faster bridging, we recommend using .
Go to your Bag and click "Withdraw." Enter a Blast wallet address, the specific ETH amount to send, and click "Submit".
You are able to export your embedded wallet's private key through the EarlyFans app.
Go to your Profile, tap the settings icon at the upper right corner and click "Export Wallet".
Follow instructions displayed to export your EarlyFans wallet to a wallet of your choice. You will then be able to use the same wallet address in both EarlyFans and the other wallet.