Smart Contracts

Contract Addresses

  • EarlyFans V2 Contract - Promises: 0x169BC25B709f05c69daE264487cd84Be526AFb9a

  • EarlyFans V2 Contract - Bribes: 0x55BcC767F4ADD89BB7C316C560701A0a331DF746

  • EarlyFans V1 Contract: 0x4b17a9318238403ddac8e3a790c3b06d18132bf4

  • $EARLY Token Contract: 0x7135B32e9903BdB4e19a8b1D22fC2038964B8451

  • Blast Points Operator Address: 0xBE64E5a432b6595621cD3c17314E5d613cba470f


EarlyFans is backed by reputable VCs and angels and we take security seriously. While we don't expect any exploits to happen, you should be aware of the risks associated with using any smart contract application on a blockchain. EarlyFans is in public beta and is a new application, thus security is not 100% guaranteed.

Last updated